
For the registration form, please write a simple e-mail to

Regular presentation 150 Euro
Student presentation 125 Euro
Extra paper presentation 75 Euro
Listener registration 50 Euro
*Virtual presenters will get official participation certificate and the conference proceedings after the conference in electronic form by e-mail.

All participants are required to register online and make their payments to the organization company. The above fee covers the items below:
1-Following all presentation sessions including the special sessions during virtual conference days.
2-Conference materials (i.e. Proceedings, program booklet, participation certificate)

  1. In order to present a paper in an oral, at least one author of a paper should register . Otherwise the paper cannot be included into the conference proceedings.
  2. The papers which are not presented by the registered authors CANNOT be considered for the post-conference publications (i.e. for special issue and regular issue journals).
  3. After the arrival of your payment, the company will send you a confirmation letter by an e-mail. If you do not receive it within 2 weeks, write a message to:
  4. Refund of charge is not available.